Saturday, May 03, 2008


Throughout life, we meet many different types of people. Some who leave absolutely no mark, some who entertain us for a while, and some who leave ever lasting impressions. Regardless of the circumstances, it is important to meet all those different types as they help mold your outlook towards life and make you appreciate the good people in your life even more.

Thing is, there are many times where we let our emotions and fears override everything else. Don't get me wrong, I'm an advocate of emotion. Without it, not much differentiates us from a rock on the street. Yet, we need to develop over time some sensor that enables us to control that emotion enough so that it doesn't rule our life. Why? Because emotions have a way of blinding our vision and making us take decisions that we may regret later on when the emotions have cooled off or subsided.

That said, it's always easier said than done. It just takes time and experience to eventually teach us the hard way. For me, sometimes it's a matter of weighing things out and some people are just not worth losing over emotions that we can't control.

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