Thursday, July 13, 2006


Does anyone else suffer from temporary (or permanent) memory loss?!

I can't seem to be able to keep a thought in my mind for long. Yesterday I had an idea of a post I wanted to write about. Today, for the life of me, I can't remember what the topic was!

What am I supposed to do? It just seems to be getting worse! It's gotten to a point where I have to set reminders on my phone just to remember to make a call the next day or get something done.


Temetwir said...

i dont think this qualifies for memory loss of any type or 'degree'

i think it's very normal, especially the part about your 'thoughts' in wanting to write something and then forgetting about it .. i like to think that's natural

as for the reminders in your phone, again, that's what i did back home .. if it's work related, it shows you're organized so that's that

however for your personal agenda .. say, calling ur friend and telling her u wanna go out or something .. forgetting abt that would be worrying, but i dont think thats what u were talking abt

MSB said...

temetwir: la 3ad it's not just work related.. ya3ney if i want to remember when i get home to look for something, then i'll put a reminder! if i want to remember in the morning when i wake up to grab something before leaving home, i'll put a reminder!

it's not that i always need them. there r times where i remember on my own.. bs el 7aleh sa3ba!!

Chai-7aleeb said...

this is what they call age,my friend!!

MSB said...

chai-7aleeb: eee, that's what i think too.. but u know what, i like this! before, everyone expected me to remember things.. now, i've lowered their standards! a7san lee anssa! eshlee ib 3awar el ras! :)

3ad tadree, everytime i see ur nick, abee aroo7 ashrab chai-7aleeb!!!

Flamingoliya said...

yes! if i didn't write it down immediatly, i loose it.

and incase i remembered later, i don't write it as fleuntly.

Anonymous said...

take Ginko Biloba pills.


walk around Marina Mall with underpants on your head, it's the start of a slippery slope...

MSB said...

flamingoliya: ashwa, it's not just me then ;)

moocherx: 3ad, b3d el shar, i dont have alzheimer's yet!! thuman, marina mall el ba7rain ghair 3an elly 3indekom! :P

Anonymous said...

get a nice small black note book and keep it with you all the time ... i do that :D and i think i am moving to a pda really soon :D...

MSB said...

fractal00: umm, i dont like to depend on stuff like that. being 'forgetful' what if i lose the book or pda? then what? then i'm SOL!

Angelo said...

I agree with Temetwir...your situation doesn't qualify for Amnesia.

My advice.... drink Green Tea daily and you are good to go.

MSB said...

fallen angel: green tea... it's the 'in' thing now.. i'm just waiting for studies to suddenly show that it actually causes some side effect that no one knew about :)

i'll try that..

The Krispy Dixie said...

A lot of times stress can cause temporary memory loss... are u under a lot of stress? (who isn't? right? :P)

i wouldn't worry about it too much... it could be the heat, you have a lot on ur mind already, or like i said, stress..

I put reminders all over the place otherwise i know i'd forget half the things i'm supposed to do...

MSB said...

krispy dixie: mm, no, nothing out of the ordinary. i think i just dont have the motivation to remember things anymore :)

not worried, was just curious! :D


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