Monday, December 18, 2006


"When people disappoint you, forget about them.. and do something for yourself !"


Anonymous said...

I am really sorry to say this, but for some reason I have always thought that you were a guy!
I do not see the connection of being disappointed by someone and doing something for myself, but I am pretty sure that the next time I will be disappointed by somebody, I will think of you :-P

MSB said...

blue ice envy: no worries about the guy thing! =)

it's simple.. when someone disappoints you, don't waste time on negative energy.. forget about them.. when others make you sad, don't give in. make yourself happy instead!

but if u choose to think of me instead, feel free! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi msb,
When people disappoint me ... I dont forget..! I will always remember them. And I will have no more trust in them.

Fonzy said...

i will drink to that! cheers! :)

Anonymous said...

just what I need to hear :(

been extremely disappointed lately..

Yazeed said...

3asa ma shar?

June said...

Doesn't it depend on who the person is and the level of disappointment? Sometimes, after a while has passed, if the person still means anything to you, you find yourself forgiving and maybe even forgetting. Sometimes tho, you just want revenge >:/

MSB said...

laialy: whatever makes you happy.. dance, jog, take a drive, shop, anything really!

ammoontie: yes but forgetting about them is different than forgetting them. forgetting about them is just taking them off your mind and moving on instead of sitting there going over what they did and how they disappointed you. thinking about that just increases the level of negative energy in your body and you end up being the one to lose out, not them.

fonzy: salut! ;)

diigmaa: well then, if you don't do something for yourself, i will! :*

yazeed: salamtek.. life will always hand people disappointments.. that's why expectations should always be managed to reduce the effect!

june: right, but again, i'm not saying forget about them and move on. when u get disappointed, sitting there going over it in ur head will just make things worse. so stop, go do something to make yourself happy. and if they are worth it (depending on the who and the level of disappointment) you can come back to the issue and try to sort things out.

MSB said...

shopa: i thought of you when laialy asked "like what?".. figured, shopa has the answer to that one akeed!!! ;)

..G.. said...

Whether people do dissapoint me or don't, I never expect anything from anyone anymore and I always make sure I do things by myself... I really despise dependant people, even though I love being the helper and I love people who do a good deed, but I hate it when your the back act..

Wear a smile when you're dissapointed then get a good drive in your car, it always does the trick for moi hun' ;)

P.s. Do you mind if I have u listed in my blogroll? ;p

..G.. said...


Missy said...

shopping is the best way! lol :p

MSB said...

g: you sound like me speaking! i always say the same, about lowering expectations and not expecting things from people!

it would be an honor for u to add me! =)

missy: haha.. u and shopa should get together! =)

Dakhtour said...

Like eating more?! :P

do0da said...

i personally go by, expect nothing and you'll never be dissapointed.

Peony said...

first of all, you shouldn't depend on other for happiness.. they'll disappoint you sooner or later..
second of all, if they disappoint you, then they weren't worth it in the first place =)

MSB said...

zizo: hahaha of course.. in your case, definitely ;)

do0da: i totally agree... expect nothing from others cuz they're bound to disappoint u at one point or another!

peony: couldn't have said it better myself!! (and those who r worth it, will come back to try to mend things!)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...i really get disappointed coz everyone likes me...but when i'm mad ohhh just clear the road!

Anonymous said...

i meant rarely....:)

Anonymous said...

so true.

MSB said...

maze: =)

moey: yeah.. but we always forget that!

Anonymous said...

Bush is forever saying that democracies do not invade other countries and start wars. Well, he did just that. He invaded Iraq, started a war, and killed people. What do you think? What is he doing to us, and what is he doing to the world?
What happened to us, people? When did we become such lemmings?
We have lost friends and influenced no one. No wonder most of the world thinks we suck. Thanks to what george bush has done to our country during the past three years, we do!

Anonymous said...

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