As the year comes to an end, it forces me to take a look back at 2006. The year started off on a negative note when a dear friendship came to an abrupt, but not sudden, hault. While I understand the reason I was given for it ending, I just can't seem to accept it being over! :/
There were some misunderstandings with other friends, met some amazing and wonderful new ones, and lived through life changing and shattering experiences with some loved ones. The year witnessed weddings, births, deaths, divorces and heart breaks.
I guess life's all about recycling! You meet people, you get close, some disappear, some survive the test of time.. but in the end, it's not about them. It's about what you learn from them and from that experience.
3eedkom Embarak.. kil 3am winto ibkhair.
As for 2007, may you smile a million smiles. May you never shed a sad tear. May you be surrounded by love and wonderful people. May you be blessed with the wisdom that life is not about eternity. It's about those moments that make it all worth while.
Everything will one day come to an end. May we all be prepared for that. Allah Ya7fethkom.
There were some misunderstandings with other friends, met some amazing and wonderful new ones, and lived through life changing and shattering experiences with some loved ones. The year witnessed weddings, births, deaths, divorces and heart breaks.
I guess life's all about recycling! You meet people, you get close, some disappear, some survive the test of time.. but in the end, it's not about them. It's about what you learn from them and from that experience.
3eedkom Embarak.. kil 3am winto ibkhair.
As for 2007, may you smile a million smiles. May you never shed a sad tear. May you be surrounded by love and wonderful people. May you be blessed with the wisdom that life is not about eternity. It's about those moments that make it all worth while.
Everything will one day come to an end. May we all be prepared for that. Allah Ya7fethkom.
Shotgun! And I haven't even read the post yet, I've just decided to play the shotgun game too. Yaay, first shotgun ever! Okay, I'll go read then comment, brb.
june: hahahah you're shotgunning now too?! afa.. you've been suckered in!!
:* tyt
Well you're right, 2006 has certainly been eventful to say the least. In addition to all the personal stuff there has been turmoil, war and bloodshed. May 2007 be a better year for everyone and may your own personal 2007 be strewn with happiness, success and peace of mind.
Love you MSB; happy new year!
june: yeah, 2006 had many ups and downs.. inshAllah this coming year's a good one for us..
Love you 7abibty... great seeing u today! :* kil 3am winty ibkhair..
hi MSB,
Let the past be an experience, and something to treasure. Life is a learning process and everything happened for a reason.
Lets hope 2007 will bring you happiness, success and your dreams will come true.
Happy New Year...!
عيدك مبارك وكل عام وانتي بخير
you were one of the best friends that i made in 2006 :) happy new year...
3eedich mbarak
a happy new year :)
beautifully said, same to you & more w kel 3am wintay bkhayr ;)
Zebdat el kalam:
happy new year ;)
alla ya36eech il 3afya doom ya rab... your such a wonderful person.. make sure you prove that day by day :)
Happy new year my dear,
well you know what i don't believe in disappearance of friends, because after all this world is too small and we will meet eventually.
If it is a friend from the same gender then its easier to meet often and might have the friendship back.
I think the best thing about this life is the recycling part, it makes up happy no matter how hurt or sad we are.
I wish 07 will be filled with happiness and no more friends to lose.
Hey the Chiefs are in the Playoffs :) :) :)
I met you in 2006... it was nice... all those letters at work :)
My late wishes of Happy Eid & Happy New Year to you, dear MSB!
Wosh you to have a lot of sunny moments in this year.
ammoontie: i believe in that 100% ! happy new year to you too! =)
hitman: و انت بصحه و سلامه ان شاء الله
dr.lost: =)))) happy new year to you too!! hope you enjoyed your stay..
aurous: kil 3am winty ibkhair o happy new year! :)
faith: mashkoora.. o inty ib9e7a o salameh ya Rab..
zizo: kil 3am o int ibkhair :P
g: thank you.. will try akeed!!! happy new year =)
judy abbott: would love to say that i agree with you, bs lil asaf i've seen it happy too many times.. people who were so close, really good friends, o time starts creating a gap and they drift apart OR a misunderstanding occurs which eventually leads to them going separate ways.
i have 2 friends whom this happened with. yes, we bump into each other cuz bahrain's too small.. and yes, we say hello and exchange pleasantries.. but that's as far as it goes. and since we went our separate ways, our lives have moved in different directions.. so i dont see the friendship being rebuilt again.. i dont harbor any ill feelings - i never did.. and if i've ever considered someone a friend, no matter what happens, in the future if they ever need me i'll be there. the rest, 3ala Allah.
inshAllah 2007 is a good year for all of us!
hitman: I KNOW!!! =) left u a comment on ur blog with regards to this!!
sever: that's true.. it's been a while! happy new year to you my friend.. hope this year resolves some of the issues you had and hope it's a happy one for you and your loved ones! ;)
3eedich mbarak
a happy new year :)
Baskin: kil 3am o int ibkhair inshAllah.. happy new year to you too =)
Happy New Year Darling... wish you all the best for 2007 ;***
Happy new year to you too...glad to have u as a friend in 2006 and will continue enshalla..
diigmaa: :*** may this year bring u continous smiles!
maze: =) hope this coming year is a better one for you than 2006!
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