Wednesday, January 03, 2007


"El 3ama mo 3ama el 3ain... 3ama el galb..."


Dakhtour said...

Ya salaaaaaaaaaaaam 3al 7ekar.. Ma a3aber :P

Yazeed said...

true true

Nooni said...

7ekam 7ekam...

3ayal did you hear of 3ama il 7alj?

Hatha lama il wa7ed yakil wayed shekar, yebda ma ye7es eb 6a3am il 7alat

Delicately Realistic said...

O ana wa7da galby inwilad 3amy!
Ma yshoooooof agolich ma yshoooooof!
Wela siteen 3amaliyat lasec ykhalon galby yifati7 shway :P

June said...

Ya3ni what? Explain please.

MSB said...

zizo: ;) 7awil et3aber!

yazeed: =)

shopa: thanx :)

JA: hmmm la awal marrah i hear of that! interesting...

DR: hahahah :* galbech mo 3amay.. bs 7awal shway.. egoolon 2007 is the year.. yala, enyeeb lena natharat! ;)

june: already did ;)

Anonymous said...

e wala e wala ;*

Anonymous said...

MSB ana ba2ol ino 3ama il brain.

MSB said...

diigmaa: welcome back :***

izzi: hmm... 3ama il brain? see, i call that something else ;)

laialy: yeah.. now if we can only find a procedure that would successfully remove this type of blindness! :/

Anonymous said...

*sigh* walla i want to be blind hearted this year...still looking for herrrrrrrrrrr where's she hiding!!!

..G.. said...

9a7 ilsanich msb... people always mispercept that.

MSB said...

maze: stop looking.. don't you know that you can never find what you're looking for.. but when you stop, it's suddenly right in front of you?

..g..: 9a7 badanek! ;)

Honey™ said...

ee wallah wentay il 9ajah ,, 9a7 lessanich ya marah ;)