Saturday, January 27, 2007


The past 10 days have been hectic. I'm part of a training program that started last Saturday (Jan 20th), which means I've only had 1 day weekends. It's been tiring to say the least, hence the lack of posts. Actually, I haven't been online much at all.

Now that I have a couple days off, I don't really have much to say! I'm in a 'bleh' state.. not in a bad mood or anything.. I just don't have anything to write about. Help!

Hopefully, I'll be back on track soon.. until then, don't forget about me! ;)


Anonymous said...

awww i'm sorry about your one day weekends, but hey this wont last long...

and as for funks... its fine we all have them - I just post youtube videos lol

you'll be fine sweety and think of something soon cause we need your posts! :P

Yazeed said...

wa hal yakhfa al qamar :)

MSB said...

cixousianpanic: yeah i know it'll be ok.. aneh elsanee 6weel so me not having anything to say cant last too long ;) thanks..

yazeed: and with support from friends like you, who can resist but come back!! (f)

Joud said...

this "blogger's block" happens to me sometimes . . and on other days i'll have 5 diff topics to write about

Missy said...

at least u have 1 day off.. ana 2 weeks ago I didnt even have a weekend :P

so latt7l6emeen.. o cum back soon :D

adorra said...

ekh I know what you mean! I just have lots to write about but no time to actually sit down and organize my thoughts. :-(

Dakhtour said...

2 days off! Eshma3na! nas o nas y3ny!

Yalla ketbay new post! mako help lazem eye el elham menech wela ma ekon good post :P

MSB said...

joud: yeah... it's happened to me before too. just gonna ride the wave and see where it takes me.

missy: inevitably, someone always manages to put things into perspective.. thanks! :)

adorra: i dont even have thoughts! my brain's on break! =)

zizo: 2 days off 3ashan Ashoora! move to Bahrain and you'll get them :P

ya 3ainy 3al elham! mino hathi, your new girlfriend? ;) inshAllah.. i'll write a new post soon.. perhaps it's the Muharram feel that is prohibiting me from writing.. we'll see how I feel by this weekend..

June said...

Hey hon! Was getting all antsy in my pantsy when I saw you were not posting but then you spoke to me and calmed me down.

Write about people. I love people.

Feel better.

..G.. said...

Alla eewafgich inshala, hang in there, and take a good rest/break/sleep :P

P.s. I won;t forget you **hugs'n'kisses**

MSB said...

june: we dont want those ants in your pants! so a new post it is!! :*

g: thank u!! :))))

Anonymous said...

Ur in the hearts sweetie...:)