11 and OOOOOO!!!
I know this is completely off topic for this blog, but I had to put a special tribute to the Indianapolis Colts!! Congratulations on a great season so far.. tonight, they moved up to 11-0; undefeated! As for the '72 Dolphins... not yet!!! Hopefully, not at all!! ;)
i like american football coz i admire the effort that goes into the sport, but i have no idea how the game is played despite the movies i watched heh
anyway, is this college football or nfl?
I LOVE American Football! :) If you like it now, you'll love it once you understand the concept and rules better! That's what happened w/me!
This is NFL. Check out the latest dilemma my Indianapolis Colts are facing if you're interest. Let me know if you have questions. Personally, I think they should go for it!
colts suck...you will see in the playoffs...defence wins games...
balbool: let's see.. if Colts suck and they're 11-0.. ur team is 7-4.. what does that make ur team?
Haven't u heard, excuses r for losers! ;)
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