"I didn't mean it! How many times do I need to tell you, it wasn't intentional.. I didn't mean to hurt you!"
"But you did.. whether you meant to or not, fact remains that the damage has been done!!"
"I know.. but you know me.. you should know my intentions were good!"
"Intentions don't count when your actions contradict them so loudly! Your intentions should have stopped you from hurting me."
"But you did.. whether you meant to or not, fact remains that the damage has been done!!"
"I know.. but you know me.. you should know my intentions were good!"
"Intentions don't count when your actions contradict them so loudly! Your intentions should have stopped you from hurting me."
Some time you don't have the intentions to hurt someone but you do it anyway. That hurts.
I know the feeling. :(
hussa: i've been on both ends of the stick. el meshkila, even if it's not ur intention to hurt someone, it doesn't change the fact that u did. sometimes intentions are enough to fix things. other times, unfortunately not! guess it all depends on the situation & the strength of the relationship of those involved.
Sometimes it hurts even more when the damage is brought to you by someone whose good intention you already know in the first place
bittersweet: hmm.. never really thought of that..!
one i hate is: when someone close behaves in a certain way which in itself is a sign that they don't know u as well as they should have. THAT drives me crazy.
a friend once hid something from me thinking that i would judge her/ not accept what she is doing. that upset me more than what she did, because had she really KNOWN me, she would've known i would never have judged her - i would've supported her actually, if i knew it meant that much to her!
amazing....this is how i feel right now...i hurt sumone and i apologized...and everyone thinks am a bad guy :(
spikey: sorry to hear that. unfortunately, people will be people and feelings get hurt - regardless of ur intentions.
i dont know what ur situation is, but i hope things work out for the best. good luck.
well actually its messed up..i lost all my friends actually...coz one of them is using my mistake against me...and they believe him...but thanx anyway ..i hope things get better
orange juice: unfortunately, sometimes the effect of the incident is far greater than the intention.. that's when a small mistake turns into a problem.
spikey: sorry to hear that.. if they're true friends, things will work out inshAllah.. "3asa an takraho shay2an wahwa khairan lakom.."
ummmm i agree with the brown fella !
intentions do count they can even help make the damage repair if they were goood .. ease the pain.
when u break a glass by mistake, is not the same when u take it and smash it into the wall wanting to break it intentionally !!!!
see what i mean is, there is a huge diffrence, and people who intend to hurt people, those are called "evil"
those who hurt u un intentially are just "stupid" which we all are sometimes :p
good post dear:*
Poor brown fella =/
I know what the brown fella feels:
"I hate it when I'm right and can't defend myself"
no3ik: while i agree that breaking the glass intentionally isnt the same as when u break it by accident, at the end of the day, the glass is still broken. can it be fixed?
this is exactly what i was trying to get at. sometimes the intentions r clear, but the end result, is still the same lil asaf!
nunu: hello! :)
yes.. i hate that feeling too! :/ in the end, those who know u well enuf will know ur real 'intentions' inshAllah!
Who is representing each colour? :P Don't tell me you're the green one? ;)
zizo: hahaha.. la yoba, i'm neither.. but i'm sure we've all, at some point or another, been on both sides.
feeling better inshAllah?
Yeah inno sometimes act in a way that contradicts their intentions, someone's intentions maybe good but they end up executing them in a bad way, that is misjudgement, MSB forgive but don't forget :)
ahh..gotta hate those..
at times in life we are forced to 'hurt' someone who DONT want to hurt...and of course, our intention is not to hurt..sucks, but happens.
"The road to Disaster is paved with Good Intentions"
How true.
Yup sweetie :) !!! Thanx alot ;)
fractal: i dont forget... and to be honest, it's tiring after a while.. it's so much easier to just forget & not forgive! ;)
faith: that's just a part of life. my remedy? reduce expectations.. that way, i TRY not to let things get to me. if the intentions r bad, the person is X'd out.. if it wasn't intentional, c'est la vie! life goes on!
zizo: glad to hear it!! :)
june: amen sista'!!!
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