Friday, August 04, 2006


* مأسينا..

و هل تحصى مأسينا
و قد أعيا بها التأريخ تدوينا!
لكي تقوى على غدنا..
و تحني رأس حاضرنا..
تكرر وجه ماضينا..

فمن ظلم الى ظلم
و من ألم الى ألم
تسامرنا ليالينا.

و لم تدر
بأن الخير طينتنا..
و أن العز معدننا..
و أن الموت يحينا..

* الشيخ حسين الاكرف


Anonymous said...

We are the blood that flows through the veins that is our great nation, we shall not be drained because of some viruses that think they can do what they please and treat our nation as their playground. Politicians, or militia, tyrrants and ministers ... your days shall come.

Dakhtour said...

WooooooooooW!! I love the voice of this radoood

7ada 3ajeeeeeeeeb

a7santay :)

MSB said...

fractal: Allah Yesma3 minnek!

zizo: (Y)(Y) big time!!! thanks.. "tenadeek a7babek, wain 3ala emsafer wain? ya khooya 3alam sa3ba, ma tejif dam3at el 3ain..."

Dakhtour said...

ako wa7da 3jeeeba 7aga o yededa

gbeeel nar esmooomek

esme3eha o ed3eeely

MSB said...

zizo: hahah it's the same one i was quoting!! that's my all time favorite.. and actually, that's his old cd. he has a new one out 'waqfat alam'..!

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