Tuesday, January 10, 2006

3eedkom Embarak

While the rest of the world celebrates "3eed el 7ejaj", el 7ejaj themselves are still in Mecca finishing their rituals. Between rammy el jamarat wil 6awaf wil sa3ee, they're still a couple days away from ending their Hajj journey.

To all 7ujjaj Bait Allah: "Allah eridkom bil salameh inshAllah o yetqabal a3malkom o 6a3atkom. Ya36eekom alf se7a o 3afya.. Kil 3am winto ib5air ya asas hal eid!"

To the rest of us out there: "3eedkom embarak o ja3al Allah ayamkom sa3eeda.. yen3ad 3laikom bil 5air inshAllah.."


Temetwir said...

ayamich sa3eedah

BitterSweet said...

Happy Eid sister!

MSB said...

7tenths: same to u.. i'm still waiting btw!!! :|