Sunday, June 25, 2006

Who's Lost?

Anyone else annoyed at the way Season 2 ended? Gotta give it to the writers, they must be stoned when they come up with this stuff?! While I thought the beginning of the season was slow, the last 5 episodes REALLY made up for it! (October 4th seems so far away to wait for Season 3!!)


Temetwir said...


that thing where the guy says he think he was the reason why the plane fell was soooooo relieving..
so yeah, i thought the finale was the perfect way to keep my interest in season 3

im just worried that the series will be all about questions and enjoying asking them, without any answers .. which does get a bit silly if u ask me

BitterSweet said...

Absolutely agree with you. At the beginning of the last season I thought it was the beginning of the end of Lost, being so unspectacular.

Can’t wait for season three to be aired. Actually can’t wait to know how the whole story ends. It’s so bad that I even became addicted to Lost discussion/speculation fora and Lost casts.

MSB said...

temetwir: yeah, i liked that part! it was like a sigh of relief. that is, till we figure out that there was ANOTHER reason!

7tenths: MAJOR cliffhangers! havent seen prison break yet, so i guess that'll be next.

bittersweet: i know what u mean! that part, umm, that relates to the 'blankets' REALLY shocked me! I literally GASPED while watching!

MSB said...

kharoofa: where ya been?!

PB & DHW will be next on my list. I'll try to take it slow so that Oct rolls around quicker. Luckily I've got the WC to keep me busy for the next couple weeks!

Dakhtour said...

I'm completely with 7tenths...

Lost is really one of the best shows and tne ending of season was ok and It was really amazing in the last episodes

Women 4/10!!! I thought they'll start at September!! WoooW can't really wait for that long to c Season 3

MSB said...

zizo: we commented at the same time! :) yeah, i like how LOST keeps me on my toes. I never know what's coming next! Like that BOAT link! Didn't see that coming!

Yes, we have to wait till October! :( and then they'll only air a few episodes, then they'll stop till Jan/Feb '07!!!! Ya lil haol!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh come on ... who's lost .... it is perfectly obvious .. a bunch of people crashed on an island .. they dunnow hat to do .. strange stuff happens .. who's lost .. i'm not lost ...

Urghhhhhh season 3 .. come on ..... am still waiting ..

Dakhtour said...

eL eglob 3nd b3'6ha ;)

MSB said...

fractal: at least it'll air before Transformers is released! :)

zizo: ;)i dont think Scalo would appreciate that comment!

Dakhtour said...

Believe me she would :p

fire alarm said...

I'm actually really lost when I watch Lost. I don't even know what season Im watching :(

MSB said...

abdulla: i know what u mean!! but it's easy to tell the diff on which season ur watching, based on the cast! :)