Thursday, March 16, 2006

I want THAT!

You know how sometimes you see something and think *i wish i had that*, thinking that *that* is better than your *this*?

Keep in mind that a lot of times, that's not the case. It's merely you getting BORED of what you have and so, something new SEEMS more appealing. However, it's not necessarily better.. and that, you'll eventually notice, when you've gotten bored with the *this*!!


Babbler said...

That is called 'the-grass-is-always-greener-on-the-other-side syndrome'

It's lethal when you succum to it. Usually the familiar is safe, which is a bit boring but that is reality. There is a sense of comfort with the old, but excitement with the new.

Hussa-G said...

Sure, many times. We get bored easily about things especially if you almost have everything. That’s the human nature. A lot of time we are not content with what God gave us. We always want more.

Allah e3enah.

Good topic, honey.

MSB said...

babbler: welcome! :) ur right. el meshkila when boredom sets in, u think something (or someone!) else is better than what u have.. but the newness is what makes it seem better! which will eventually wear off! that's why it's important to find a happy medium btwn old and new... how though, now that's the question! :)

hussa: it's not just wanting more.. sometimes ur ok with what u have, but u want something else! take humans for e.g... there r ppl who get bored with the person they're with and they actually think 'that person/friend i know would've been better suited for me'.. just because they're someone different/new.. not because they actually ARE better..


Яeema said...

you know something?
my Q is always , if i did this , not i wish to have that

i always notis that what is good for others are never good for me ;)

i was away for awail , sorry for not comeing by and add a comment

June said...

Darling we're GEMINIS! "The grass is greener..." is practically a personality trait. Now we can be all negative about it and think, "Oh why can't I ever just be happy with what I have? Sob sob, woe is me!" OR we can put a nice spin on it and be all like, "It's okay! We're adventurous, experimental and up for trying anything once. And we need some change to keep us happy." Nothing wrong there. Life is always better when we make excuses for ourselves :D

MSB said...

reema: welcome back! :)

june: the prob with geminis is that they're never satisfied unless they're kept on their toes! once we get bored, we start getting restless!! :)

but the point i was trying to make is just that. it's not that we want something else cuz it's better.. we want it cuz it's new!

Temetwir said...

true in some cases

not so clearly true in others

i know what ur saying

but maybe i dont

Hussa-G said...

I agree with Teme. It doesn't apply to some of us. I still agree about what I said before. A lot of time we are not content with what God gave us. We always want more. That’s human nature.

MSB said...

temetwir: yes and no! :)

hussa: i dont think it's a matter of applying to some of us or not as much as it applying to certain situations or not..

Social Paradox said...

I can relate with that concept, I've struggled with it alot, but I can say that I'm over it. this quote says it all "be grateful for what you don't have, that you wouldn't want"... btw it's QP ;)

MSB said...

social paradox: interesting way of looking at it! i like it.

QP? *confused look*

MSB said...

social paradox: i think i just figured out the QP part.. hehe ignore the slow-ness! :) welcome ;)

MSB said...

kharoofa: everytime i see ur display pic i think of Eid!! :D

i'm not just talking about things we buy.. i'm talking about the bigger picture as well. as for ur shopping-a-holic-ism, i think u need to meet laialy_q8 :)

laialy: hehe.. i think u should show kharoofa ur shoe collection!

MSB said...

hattorihanzo: sa7 badanak.. i've had that urge.. but i love my car and luckily, my loyalty keeps winning (so far)!!

MSB said...

hattorihanzo: 2003, which makes 'her' 4 yrs younger than urs... '99 huh? u having probs with it? if so, go for it! :) (kilesh aneh ma ashagi3 3al kharab, huh?!)

dishevelled said...

LOL! I SOOO agree with you, except the fact that we took those habits from the West. Well maybe we did, but back there the gift is usually something useful and doesn't cost as much. I mean over there a CD is considered a bday gift, or a book or something. Just a thought. Here, its usually the latest designer bag etc. Same with housewarming gifts... In the west it'll be something like a coffee maker, a blender etc. Here its like a Persian carpet and that sort