Tuesday, November 28, 2006

¿Habla Español?

"Yo soy un alumna de español. Yo hablo árabe, inglés, francés y un poco de español."

I started Spanish classes on November 6th. It's something I've been wanting to do for years. I love the language!

We're taught conversational Spanish, i.e. we dove right into conversation as opposed to learning all the verbs and their conjugations first. I have to admit that this is a much faster way to learn and it's quite useful!

Once I'm done with this, Italian sounds good!! ;)


June said...


SHOTGUN at last :P

3abeer said...

good move ;)

I'm in the process of learning spanish as well... Coincidently Italian will be next

so for the time being ...

Hablo y entiendo a español un poco...Hablaré español fluido en el futuro


error said...

buena suerte

MSB said...

june: hahahaha mabrook! wainach intay mekhtafya?

3abeer: ¡Qué bueno! how long have u been learning it?

error: gracias señor!

Yazeed said...

no habla espanol

deseo aprender hablar italiano también (google translation)

Nooni said...

Can you believe i've been all over the places in kuwait for spanich and they still didn't call due there is no students else than me?!!

isn't that creepy! LOL

ESSO you chicka ESO :)

MSB said...

yazeed: tammam.. if i start italian i'll let u know! =)

judy abbott: afa.. no one in kuwait wants to learn spanish? khallas, i'll give u private lessons.. i'll teach u.. bs khalnee at3alam el awal ;)

3abeer said...

I practiced it a little bit back in the states then in Kuwait I'm trying to recap on what I learned .. I'm a little bit rusty though :/

Missy said...

hahah now this sounds interesting..

one u learn u gotta gimme some private lessons eh? :p

MSB said...

3abeer: i know the feeling!

missy: 7athreen!! =)

MSB said...

3abeer: i know the feeling!

missy: 7athreen!! =)

Mrs Dynamite aka Lorena +Wonder Women... said...

YO hablo espanol :) soy mexicana, media libanesa y espanola ...y tengo un poco de sangre Irlandesa ! que revoltura! oye si necesitas algo aqui estoy! y mucha suerte con el espanol:) tambien hablo Italiano :) ...

MSB said...

wonder woman: wow, that freaked me out when i first read it! i said i'm STUDYING, not an expert ;) ok i think i understood most of it though!

what an interesting mix!!!! i'll definitely need some help, so it's good that i know where to go now! as soon as i get better at it, i'll come to u for practice! thanks for the luck, i'll need it! oooh, and u know italian too?? will u be my friend?? =))))

Anonymous said...

i like spanish...actually i've learned the bad words but can't say them now....:P

MSB said...

maze: haha dont worry, i know them too!