Last night was Prison Break, tonight was Grey's Anatomy, Season 3 - first 3 episodes. What I love about Grey's Anatomy is that it covers everything. You've got your drama, your comedy, your tragedy, your failures, your successes... a bit of everything really. It's real, and the morals behind their stories apply to most of us, in one sense or another.
Season 3 looks good so far. Nice to know at least one of these shows is starting off the season on the right foot.
Season 3 looks good so far. Nice to know at least one of these shows is starting off the season on the right foot.
Lost Season 2 methel ma geltay awela kan boring mo bs normal o ba3dain 9ar 7elo... Moshkelta ena wayed kalak o chethb o takhref o ghal6at! Madry laish kharha el director!? Bs still I wanna watch it
Grey's Anatomy in my list After Eed enshalah
Bs esme7ely... The top one in my list o bedon ay monafasa tothkaaar:
zizo: do u mean u havent seen grey's anatomy AT ALL, or u havent seen any episodes from season 3 yet?
i've got a vacation coming up after eid inshAllah.. hopefully i'll catch up some more.. i might come to kuwait for a wknd or something, so u can go ahead and have those episodes ready for me on a cd if u want! =)))
Grey's Anatomy and Prison Break are my favorite series so far =)
I do agree, GA encompasses different genres..i think thts why it scores really well.
Do you recommend any other series to watch?
shopa: i get them all on dvd/cd =) so far i've gotten the first 3 episodes.. i dunno how many have actually been released so far in the US. I'm scared to check their website in case there's some spoiler out there. LOST inshAllah I'll check out soon.
nonnah: i dont think i want to get hooked on any more shows to be honest with u! =) btwn desperate housewives, lost, prison break and grey's anatomy, i waste enough hours already! =)
Im saving it for after ramadan!!
delicately realistic: ee zain etsaween.. aneh i wait till i have 3-4 episodes then watch it..
tinkerbell: :O what r u waiting for??? watch tara season 3 is even better!!
I didn't start watching any episode of Grey's Anatomy... Ee i didn't watch it yet... Nothing at all :P
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